身体提升 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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身体提升 俄亥俄州哥伦布市


Reclaim Your Confidence After

If you have experienced major weight loss, you may be facing cosmetic concerns, 包括宽松的, baggy skin throughout the body. 提体手术 removes this excess skin to help improve your shape and make your weight loss achievements even more satisfying.


Donaldson body lift patient

重塑 & Contour Multiple Areas Of The Body Simultaneously

Also called a “belt lipectomy” when referring to the buttocks and lower torso, body lift surgery offers an effective solution for patients seeking a sculpted and contoured body after weight loss or pregnancy. 针对松弛的皮肤, tightening muscle and removing stubborn fat deposits, this procedure can help you attain a more toned, defined and balanced shape.


Frequently Asked Questions

提体手术 typically focuses on the following areas:

  • 腹部: Removes excess skin and tightens abdominal muscles for a flatter and more contoured stomach.
  • 大腿: Addresses sagging skin and excess fat in the thighs, resulting in smoother and more toned legs.
  • Buttocks: Lifts and reshapes the buttocks, providing a firmer and more lifted appearance.
  • Lower 回来: Eliminates excess skin and fat rolls in the lower back region, creating a smoother and more defined contour.

提体手术 requires a significant recovery period due to the size of the targeted area(s). Most patients can return to a normal lifestyle after 2-3 weeks but are asked to avoid strenuous activity for 4-6 weeks.

Our post-operative care team will deliver comprehensive instructions before your surgery and on the day of. These instructions include limitations on physical activities, dietary considerations and proper wound care to optimize healing and achieve the best possible results.

Dr. Donaldson和Dr. Sieffert offer a comprehensive and safety-driven approach to body lift surgery which improves recovery times and makes for a more comfortable patient experience.

The Final Touch: 身体提升 After 减肥

Plastic surgery after massive weight loss is often the next step to looking and feeling your best. You have made incredible progress already, so why not consider the finishing touch? We invite you to schedule your initial consultation with us and explore the possibilities as you continue to achieve your goals!

